
Jan. 6 Panel Refers Trump For Criminal Prosecution.

By Admin.

The House committee investigating the attack on the Capitol accused Donald Trump of inciting insurrection, conspiracy to defraud the U.S. and two other federal crimes. The panel recommended that he face criminal charges — the first time in U.S. history that Congress has referred a former president for criminal prosecution.

The committee’s referrals do not carry legal weight or compel the Justice Department to take any action. The charges would carry lengthy prison sentences, if federal prosecutors chose to pursue them and he were convicted. The panel also referred five of Trump’s allies to the Justice Department for prosecution, including Mark Meadows, his final chief of staff, and Rudy Giuliani, one of his lawyers.
In an executive summary from its final report into the Capitol attack, the committee singled out Trump as the primary cause of the mob violence. “None of the events of January 6th would have happened without him,” the the bipartisan panel wrote. It detailed his relentless drive to remain in power after he had lost the 2020 election, and it identified co-conspirators. The full report is expected tomorrow.
More headaches: For Trump, the coming week will be among the most consequential of his political career. Another House committee will meet today to discuss whether to release Trump’s tax returns. The events shine a spotlight on Trump’s refusal to cede power and on a subject he has guarded for decades: the actual size of his personal wealth and his sources of income.

Credit: The New York Times.

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