
Bomb Attacks Ravage Eastern DR Congo Displacement Camps.

By Caroline Ameh

At least 12 people, including children, have tragically lost their lives in a twin bomb explosions that rocked two displacement camps in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) on Friday .
The attacks, which also left over 20 individuals wounded, targeted the Lac Vert and Mugunga camps near the city of Goma, a UN statement confirmed.

Residents of the camps recounted harrowing scenes of terror as the bombs struck, with many victims caught unaware in their tents during the assault.

The United Nations condemned the bombings as blatant violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, suggesting they could constitute war crimes.

The Congolese military, alongside the United States, pointed fingers at the military in neighboring Rwanda and the M23 rebel group, accusing them of orchestrating the deadly attacks.

However, Rwanda vehemently denied these allegations, labeling them as “ridiculous” and shifting blame onto militias allegedly supported by the Congolese military.

Lieutenant-Colonel Guillaume Njike Kaiko, spokesperson for the DRC’s army in the region, asserted that the bombings were retaliation for previous strikes on Rwandan army positions.

Meanwhile, the M23 denied involvement and instead accused DRC forces of the assault.

The escalating conflict in eastern DRC has forced hundreds of thousands of civilians to flee towards Goma, exacerbating an already dire humanitarian situation. International aid organizations, including Save The Children and Doctors Without Borders, have underscored the urgent need to prioritize the protection of civilians and cease the use of explosive weapons near populated areas.

President Felix Tshisekedi cut short his European trip to return home following the bombings, reiterating longstanding allegations of Rwandan involvement in destabilizing the DRC.

The attacks come amidst heightened tensions following the M23’s capture of the strategic mining town of Rubaya, known for its tantalum deposits essential in smartphone production.

In response to the tragedy, the US Department of State emphasized the importance of respecting sovereignty and territorial integrity among nations.
Also French President Emmanuel Macron, have called for an end to Rwandan support for the M23. However, the deep-rooted conflict in the DRC continues to exact a devastating toll on its populace, with millions displaced and countless lives lost over decades of unrest.

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