Sweden Cooperates With United States To Counteract Spread of Disinformation.
By Caroline Ameh
Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs Maria Malmer Stenergard has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the United States of America to counteract foreign malign information influence activities. The agreement is an important platform for closer cooperation and exchange of experience between Sweden and the US in this area.
“Foreign malign information influence activities and disinformation spread by foreign powers are a threat to our democratic societies and create mutual distrust,” says Ms Malmer Stenergard.
According to a statement signed by Richard Wahlström, Press Secretary to Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs,” Foreign malign information influence activities are security-threatening activities in which foreign powers exploit society’s vulnerabilities and areas of conflict in order to achieve their objectives. The Government and government agencies are working actively to address these threats and build resilience to stop disinformation about Sweden gaining traction. International cooperation and exchange of experience regarding how best to counteract these security threats and strengthen resilience are of the utmost importance”.
Speaking further, Ms Malmer Stenergard said, “Actively working to counteract these security threats is a priority for the Government. In today’s increasingly interconnected world, information influence campaigns have no borders, and this Memorandum of Understanding with the US provides an important platform for closer international cooperation in this area” .
Sweden takes part in a number of international networks focused on foreign malign information influence activities and cooperates closely with its Nordic neighbours and the EU on these issues. Sweden is also an observer in the G7 Rapid Response Mechanism.