
Chinese Businessman Sentenced to Death for Murdering Girlfriend in Nigeria.

By Caroline Ameh

A Nigerian court has handed down a death sentence to Frank Geng Quarong, a Chinese businessman, for the brutal murder of his girlfriend, Ummu Kulthum Sani, in 2022. The verdict, delivered in the city of Kano, marks a rare instance of capital punishment being imposed in Nigeria.

Quarong, 49, was apprehended at the scene of the crime, when he stabbed the 22-year-old university student in her own room. The gruesome nature of the murder sent shockwaves throughout Nigeria, prompting widespread attention and scrutiny of the case.

Family members of the victim expressed relief and satisfaction at the court’s decision, viewing it as a form of justice for their beloved Ummu Kulthum. Sadiq Sani, the victim’s brother, hailed the verdict as a vindication of their loss, asserting that those who commit such heinous acts deserve to face the ultimate consequence.

“We thank God for showing us this day… I pray that my sister’s soul continues to rest in peace,” remarked Sani in an interview with the BBC. Fondly remembered as a kind and cheerful individual, Ummu Kulthum’s untimely demise has left a lasting impact on her family and community.

The relationship between Quarong and Ms. Sani, which began in 2020 after a chance encounter at a shopping mall, took a tragic turn, culminating in her tragic death.
Quarong, employed by a Nigerian textiles firm at the time, was reportedly involved in a tumultuous relationship with the young agriculture undergraduate.

Ahmad Abdullahi, a family friend, recounted the events leading up to the fatal incident, revealing tensions between the couple. “Before the incident they were having issues as she was no longer interested and he didn’t want to let go,” Abdullahi stated, shedding light on the deteriorating dynamics of their relationship.

Eyewitnesses recalled the fateful night when Quarong forcefully gained entry to the Sani family home, ultimately claiming the life of his girlfriend. Despite desperate attempts by family members to intervene, Ms. Sani succumbed to her injuries after being stabbed multiple times.

Nigeria, with over 3,400 individuals on death row, seldom carries out executions, with the last recorded instance dating back to 2012.

Quarong now has a 90-day window to appeal the court’s decision, as the nation grapples with issues of justice and capital punishment in the wake of this tragic event.

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