
Burkina Faso, A Nation Standing Tall Against Terror With The People’s Support-Opinion

By Anglebert Bonkoungou

Since 2015, Burkina Faso has been facing a brutal reality: a decisive onslaught of armed terrorist groups targeting civilians, security forces, and infrastructure in the country. These groups are among others, the Islamic State, the Jama’a Nusrat ul-Islam wa al-Muslimin is a militant jihadist organisation in the Maghreb and West Africa (JNIM), the Islam and Muslims Support Group (GSIM). Their acts, perpetrated in lawless and faithless manner, have left in their wake thousands of dead, displaced millions, and devastated communities. Yet, amidst the darkness, a remarkable resilience shines through; the unwavering spirit of the People of Burkina Faso (called the Burkinabè). Burkina Faso has sought to reaffirm itself as a sovereign State, by diversifying its partners, developing, and implementing endogenous flagship projects for economic development, and establishing key security alliances with countries, as is the case with the Alliance of Sahel States (AES). Before dwelling on these issues, it is important to understand the root causes of terrorism prevailing in the sub-region.

 NATO  2011 intervention  in Libya and spread of terrorism in West African sub-region including Burkina Faso

In 2011, under the mandate of the UN security council resolution 1973, NATO launched a military intervention in Libya. As the crisis was at its peak with a popular uprising against the Libyan leader, NATO bombed Libya apparently in the name of Responsibility to Protect the population which they failed to protect at the end of the day. NATO’s military intervention in Libya was extremely controversial as the reasons for such intervention were

not clearly stated. It appears that the intervention aimed at a regime change. The 2011 intervention had serious consequences for the Sahel regions. Experts and analysts agree that NATO’s intervention gave rise to terrorism in the sub-region of West Africa.

“The unrest in Libya has been widely blamed for leading to a flow of both weapons and Islamist fighters across the Sahara Desert to countries such as Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso”, says Jalel Harchaoui, a Libya analyst at the Netherland-based Institute for International Relations think-tank.

As a matter fact, the African Union (AU) and Africa in general, were side-lined in managing and resolving the Libyan crisis. The AU was against any intervention in Libya. As a consequence of the intervention by NATO, weapons flooded the region, empowering terrorist groups. Sahelian armies unprepared to face this threat have struggled to counter this rising violence, which led to widespread instability in the region.

Poverty, violent extremism, and unemployment

Unemployment has been rampant in the Sahel region. Unemployment rates hovering between 2.0% and 12.5% according to the World Bank in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger. Such high levels of unemployment, coupled with other factors, create a fertile ground for the insidious spread of terrorism. Burkina Faso has established antiterrorism special tribunals to try alleged terrorists who were captured during operations. In 2021, numerous terrorists appeared in court for hearings. Each of them had a particular reason for joining the ranks of terror.

For the case of “D.I.”, a young jobless Malian, who appeared in the tribunal on 11 August 2021 for hearing, huge monetary reward was the reason why he joined terrorist groups. He said he joined the fighters as he heard they were earning a staggering 2 million CFA Francs per month. His story and that of other alleged terrorists who appeared in court highlight how unemployment and poverty can fuel terrorism. Desperate and with no other options, people like D.I. became easy preys for terrorists who promised them huge sums of money and a sense of belonging. As a matter of fact, terrorist groups tap into the poverty and despair of populations as recruitment strategies. Religious motivations can also play a significant role in some the terrorist ideology. Some fighters carry out their terror actions based on a deeply held belief that they are fulfilling a divinely ordained duty, often interpreted through a specific religious lens. This can lead to viewing themselves as instruments of justice or seeking to establish a particular religious order, as was said by one alleged terrorist agent who appeared in court. They would resort to violence against those they perceive as opposing their beliefs. The alleged terrorists who appeared in court have been found guilty and handed heavy sentences.

Focusing on understanding the complex factors that contribute to terrorism and addressing the root causes can lead to more effective solutions. An opened and respectful dialogue is crucial in navigating these complex issues. By acknowledging the diverse motivations behind terrorism and avoiding simplistic explanations, we can work towards a more peaceful and understanding world.

The Burkinabè have shown remarkable unity in supporting the fight against terrorism. This collaboration challenges the stereotype of all military regimes being oppressive and out-of-touch with their citizens. Instead, the people of Burkina Faso have demonstrated a unique understanding of the current situation and the need for a strong central authority to lead the struggle against a formidable enemy. The new military leaders have taken upon themselves to restoring the territorial integrity, ensuring the return of IDP to their regions of origin and ensuring endogenous economic development.

Support from the People of Burkina Faso and the Diaspora

Combatting terrorism, ensuring security, economic development and peace is an issue that concerns all the citizens of Burkina Faso (the Burkinabè). Therefore, the people understand that it is necessary for all to unite and form a common front against terrorism.

Unwavering Support for the Forces: The Burkinabè citizens have consistently organised rallies and demonstrations, expressing their heartfelt gratitude and unwavering support for the soldiers and security personnel who risk their lives every day to protect them. These acts of solidarity serve as a powerful morale booster for the troops, reminding them that they are not alone in this fight.

Embracing the Collective Burden: Communities in Burkina Faso, with open arms and generous hearts, have welcomed and assisted their displaced fellow citizens with food, shelter, and medical aid. This remarkable display of compassion and empathy has provided a vital lifeline to those most affected by the violence. From individual to collective popular and government initiatives, every citizen in Burkina Faso has shown solidarity with the IDPs and the security personnel as well as their families.

Beyond the battlefield, a better future is being built: The Burkinabè people are not just focused on fighting terrorism; they are also actively building a brighter future for their nation. Key initiatives like the Presidential Initiative for Agricultural Production 2023-2024, mobilises soldiers and IDPs to increase food production, demonstrate their commitment to long-term economic stability and self-sufficiency.

The Government and People of Burkina Faso have decided to diversify their partnerships with major global players such as Russia, China, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Turkiye, and the BRICS member countries. The participation of the Head of State of Burkina Faso at the Russia-Africa Summit and his meeting with President Vladimir Putin announced perspectives in the field of defence and diplomacy with the upcoming reopening of the Russian Embassy in Ouagadougou. President Ibrahim Traoré delivered a straightforward speech at the summit urging his African counterparts to stop being puppets of foreign governments and meet the challenges and needs of their populations and youths. He also said that African countries should learn from each other’s success stories in areas such as agriculture, food security rather than always begging from abroad for things we are endowed to produce.

Cooperation between Burkina Faso and Nigeria

Burkina Faso and Nigeria have a longstanding cooperation. Burkina Faso has an Embassy in Abuja and Consulates in Lagos and in Kano. Nigeria also has an Embassy in Ouagadougou.

The two countries have frameworks for exchange and discussions: a Joint Cooperation commission. Since the signing of the agreement establishing this Commission between the two countries in December 2010, three Joint Commission sessions have taken place, the last one was held in December 2021 in Abuja. In addition to mutually supporting each other in international organisations, particularly when it comes to candidacies for international positions, several cooperation agreements have been signed so far.

In the bilateral cooperation area, Burkina Faso has signed several Memorandum of Understandings with the Federal Republic of Nigeria, including in the field of Trade Cooperation, Combating Human Trafficking, in ICT and Postal Services, in Women Promotion and Empowerment, in Sports and Leisure and in Information and the Press.

Joint Cooperation Commission, December 2021: First row, from left to right: Fatima Waziri, DG of National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP); Pascal Passida Gouba, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative, Chargé d’Affaires ai of Burkina Faso, Abuja; Sabine Kankyono, DG of Bilateral Cooperation of Burkina Faso; SG of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nigeria; Ambassador of Nigeria in Burkina Faso. 

Several other projects are on the negotiating table. These include projects in the fields of security, defence, higher education, promotion and protection of investments as several businessmen from Burkina Faso invest in Nigeria; and cooperation agreements between chambers of commerce.

The cooperation between Burkina Faso and Nigeria is based on a long history of friendship and cooperation. The two countries are committed to working together to promote their common interests in the areas of trade, security, education and development.


The case of Burkina Faso is a testament to the remarkable resilience of the human spirit. Despite the challenges they have been facing, the Burkinabè people are united under a military government, not out of fear or coercion, but out of a shared desire to secure their nation’s future by reaffirming their sovereignty, identity and by taking their destiny in their hands. Their unwavering support, coupled with the government’s decisive actions, offers a glimmer of hope that this West African nation will overcome the darkness and emerge stronger and more united than ever before.

Anglebert, from Burkina Faso, is a 200-level student of Mass Communications at Veritas University, Abuja, he can be reached at bonkmede@gmail.com




One thought on “Burkina Faso, A Nation Standing Tall Against Terror With The People’s Support-Opinion

  • Nombo Bernard

    Félicitations et courage à toi frère 🎊🎊


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