
Chad Opposition Leader Yaya Dillo Killed in Gun Exchange.

By Caroline Ameh

Chadian opposition leader Yaya Dillo has been killed during a shootout with security forces, as announced by state prosecutor Oumar Mahamat Kedelaye in a press conference on Thursday.

Dillo, a prominent politician poised to contest in the upcoming presidential election scheduled for May, was among numerous casualties in the gunfire exchange that rocked Ndjamena, the nation’s capital. The confrontation erupted following earlier clashes near the National Security Agency building.

Chad, a landlocked country beset by internal strife and surrounded by nations grappling with insurgencies, has historically been viewed as a crucial stabilizing force in the region. Despite its political volatility, it remains a significant ally of the United States.

The incident unfolds against the backdrop of heightened tensions ahead of the presidential election, which holds the promise of restoring constitutional democracy after a military takeover three years ago.

While the capital appeared relatively calm on Thursday morning with residents resuming their daily routines, internet access, which was abruptly severed the day before, remained unavailable.

Security forces had cordoned off the headquarters of the opposition Socialist Party Without Borders, led by Dillo, underscoring the deepening rift between the government and opposition factions.

Conflicting narratives emerged from the government and the opposition regarding the events leading to Dillo’s demise. The government alleged an attack on the security agency by representatives of the opposition party, resulting in multiple fatalities. Additionally, it claimed that Ahmed Torabi, a party member, had attempted to assassinate the president of the supreme court, resulting in his arrest.

Contrary to the official account, the opposition party’s general secretary asserted that the fatalities near the security agency occurred when soldiers indiscriminately opened fire on party members. Furthermore, he stated that Torabi had been killed the previous day, and his body was subsequently found at the agency’s headquarters. When party members and Torabi’s relatives went to retrieve his body on Wednesday morning, they were met with lethal force from security forces.

The conflicting narratives underscore the volatile political landscape in Chad and the urgent need for transparent investigations to ascertain the truth behind these tragic events

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