
UK Home Office Threatens Deportation of Disabled Man to Nigeria After 38 Years of Residence.

By Caroline Ameh

Anthony Olubunmi George, aged 61, faces imminent deportation from the UK despite having resided in the country for 38 years. Originally from Nigeria, George arrived in the UK at the age of 24 in 1986. The Home Office has refused his application for leave to remain, prompting concerns about the fate of a man who has spent the majority of his adult life in Britain.

George, who has no criminal record, experienced two strokes in 2019, resulting in speech and mobility difficulties. His plight echoes that of Nelson Shardey, 74, a long-term resident of the UK, who was also denied indefinite leave to remain by the Home Office.

Since his arrival, George has witnessed multiple prime ministers, with Margaret Thatcher in power at the time of his immigration and Rishi Sunak being the ninth to hold office during his stay. Despite facing periods of homelessness, George has forged connections within the community, relying on the kindness of friends for shelter.

Despite his efforts to regularize his status, George’s applications for leave to remain have been consistently rejected by the Home Office.

In a disturbing revelation, it was discovered that his previous solicitors submitted a forged entry stamp in his passport in 2005. George claims he was unaware of this deception until years later.

His current legal representative, Naga Kandiah of MTC Solicitors, attributes George’s predicament to both Home Office policies and the incompetence of his previous legal counsel. Kandiah has filed an appeal against the latest refusal, emphasizing the dire circumstances faced by his client.

The Home Office, however, maintains that applications are assessed on an individual basis, with applicants required to demonstrate compliance with immigration rules. A spokesperson reiterated this stance, emphasizing the responsibility of applicants to meet these criteria.

George, pleading for compassion, expressed his dismay at the prospect of deportation, citing his health concerns and lack of familial ties in Nigeria.

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